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Baby brain and too much choice!

With so many Family friendly classes being advertised it's hard to know which way to look right!?

Let me help you out with some important criteria when you are looking at the best class for you.

⭐Make sure the instructor is qualified - yes a lot of classes will offer family friendly but will not be qualified or licenced for your child to participate.

⭐If you are pregnant or returning to exercise for the first time following the birth of your baby - is the instructor ante and postnatal qualified. This is very important! The sound knowledge of the pregnant anatomy and post natal anatomy are fundamental to your safety. You want to go hard or go home, but is your body ready!? Doing exercises that are not suitably adapted can cause immediate and long-term complications! Among many risks...No one wants to permanently damage their pelvic floor right!? ☺

⭐What are your goals!? If you are pregnant this should be only to maintain your current level of fitness SAFELY of you don't want to be taking your 20 week bambino bump off to a high impact sweat fest and pushing your body to fatigue and swinging a kettlebell around on one leg (especially if it's new to you!!!)

⭐If you are post natal, what type if delivery did you have? Were there any complications? This will dictate the type of exercise you can do and how much time you will need to spend working back towards your pre pregnancy fitness or improved fitness.

At Bump2Buggy your safety is of paramount as are your babies, inside and outside!

We take the time to consult with you ahead of class and discuss your individual needs and adaptations you will need to consider during your workout. We establish any pregnancy or post pregnancy related conditions that may affect or even prevent you from taking part.


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