LucyT Classes
After Checking in you will be given a set of our trademark flashing LED glow sticks, these are both reusable and recyclable so much more environmentally friendly than the single-use ones. We darken the room, get the disco lights going and start with a simple warm-up routine. Then we work up a sweat to club anthems from the 90s classics to the latest chart hits. The routines are a mix of dance, toning and combat, they are easy-to-follow and always have high or low impact options to suit all fitness levels. It’s all about fun, not about perfection. Take it to the next level, keep it simple and enjoy the music.
Decades Reloaded®
This exercise class is the best way to get you feeling positive and energised whilst listening to your favourite tunes from the past. This is your opportunity to unwind and have an hour of fun to yourself, focusing on improving your mindset and mental health. This class is specifically designed to lift you up and keep you motivated and on track. Our playlist is full of nostalgic songs throwing you back to the best moments of the past, they have been specifically chosen to send out a positive message to those of you taking the class.
Band Camp Fitness
Drum your way to a better day! Here at LucyT fitness. In this full body cardio jamming session, you will become one with the music. The beating of our purposely designed weighted drum sticks will uplift you and keep you motivated throughout the setlist. You will be moving through a collection of cardio tracks before swapping out the drum sticks for resistance bands and targeting all your muscle groups for a strength and conditioning workout, really feeling the music. This is a great way to get pumped, release stress and then relax with the closing tracks focusing on mindfulness and mobility! The exercises and moves which are included in the workout are easy to follow, anyone can take part and have fun!
Flow and Let go
This class combines strengthening exercises, stretching and breathing. Choreographed to flow with the rhythm of the music.
Flow & Let go aims to provide you with exercises to release energy and tension from your body, whilst strengthening and lengthening your muscles.
The classes are appropriate for anyone, no matter your level of experience or fitness level, we want everyone to get involved. The on demand pilates will allow you to take part in the session from the comfort of your own home, a great opportunity for those of you with a very hectic schedule. Classes face to face offer that community group aspect with an instructor on hand to help guide you, teach you the fundamentals and motivate you. These classes are built on the foundations to enable better performance in other classes, working on combatting the effects of ageing and various medical conditions.
Pilates Circuit
All the benefits of Pilates in a circuit format using timed intervals and repetitions - using small equipment and traditional body weight Pilates exercises in a small group working around each station. A variety of exercises focused on the key Pilates principles to improve Strength, posture, mobility and aid recovery. Every station will have a different focus, targeting different muscles. for a full body workout like no other.